Good Luck at College Nationals
Its that time of year again, MLK weekend and that means UCA nationals. It’s one of two college nationals. The other NCA, which is held usually in early April. To keep it short, my favorite is UCA, though I’ve been to both. Anyway, I have a bunch of friends competing and I would like to wish them the best of luck. Here are the teams I’m pulling for: Villanova Small Coed – Lets go Cats! My Alma martyr. Southern All Girl Division II – Good luck, your routine is fantabulous, wish you the best. Southern All-Girl Partner Stunt Groups – Both of the groups I’ve seen have great routines, really hope you do well. Special wishes to Cheri, Kay, and Haley, who I have had the pleasure of cheering with on my CT Spirit Onyx open team. Bill Mayo, University of Delaware, Coed Partner Stunt – Good Luck Bill, hope you do well, make ACE proud!