Shoulders, Knees and Ankles

Cheerleading has really taken its toll on me over the years. I can no longer tuck like I used to. My body is getting even older and stuff that was easy just six months ago is getting harder and harder on my joints. So I made an appointment to go see a Sports Medicine doctor. The results: Possible tear in the right rotator cuff, will need to get an MRI to confirm Possible tear in the meniscus on my left knee (though both of them are hurting), will be following up with Physical Therapy on them I need to see another doctor about my ankle The good news is that the doctor didn’t feel that any of the issues I’m suffering from should prevent me from cheering in the near future, or make me more likely to end up in a wheel chair any earlier than could normally be expected....

October 1, 2008 · zacharyzacharyccom

Why Relationships Fail

This post doesn’t really have anything to do major concepts covered on this blog I was watching part of the House marathon on USA yesterday when I came across an interesting part of one episode. During the dialog one character asks another about the inner workings of their marriage with the patient. The character responds by giving a very interesting explanation for why marriages don’t work. One of which I thought was very interesting [1]:...

September 29, 2008 · zacharyzacharyccom

Always Bring a Resume to a Career Fair!

The other day I was doing some recruiting at a local technical school for my company. Reflecting upon the experience, one thing really stood out at me. There were a large number of people who were walking around without a resume. Now, it’s true than many companies will just ask you to apply online and that many of the resumes that you distribute to potential employers will simply be recycled without much review, but it would be wrong to assume that the act of distributing a resume is futile....

September 12, 2008 · zacharyzacharyccom

First iPhone Blog Post

I found a new program that allows me to write to my blog from my iPhone. Okay, so nothing overly exciting, but still another cool way to use my iPhone. I have a couple of articles I have been meaning to write, so stay tuned 🙂

August 24, 2008 · zacharyzacharyccom

Michael Phelps is Not The Role Model Everyone Thinks He Is

If your watching TV, you’ve probably seen that the Olympics are going on right now. I have been watching more than my fair share of Olympics. One constant frustration for me is the continual mention of Michael Phelps. He has done some great things, like win 8 Gold medals in a week. He is truly a phenomenal swimmer, but I don’t like him as a role model. In 2004, after the Olympics were over, Phelps was arrested for a DUI....

August 19, 2008 · zacharyzacharyccom