Mock Logo

This deserves a little bit of explanation. I found out that one of my friends started working for Duarte. I fell in love with their logo: One of the creative projects I have coming up is designing a new favicon for this site. This seems like as good a start as any. I have a couple of ideas going forward, but this sketch was the start. It was made with Paper for the iPad....

April 26, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

The Make Something Manifesto

Four months into my new years resolution and I’d grade myself at a C- for my creativity. I have started doing a lot of new things. I’ve moved to a new home. Cleaned it more. Started working on my cooking. Traveled to South America. Taken a few more pictures (bought a new camera). The problem is that I’m not sharing any of this creativity, and I’m not held to any deadlines....

April 24, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom