TLog-007 Nitro Morning

This post was pulled from my TLog project, but it felt relevant enough to make it to this blog as well. Some interesting stuff about reading and writing code. I’m trying the Nitro Cold Brew coffee from Stumptown that they just started carrying at Planet Granite. It is tasty, but I like the regular cold brew better and will be sticking to that in the future. Still, I do love coffee....

November 13, 2015 · zacharyzacharyccom

T_Logging It

T_Logging It Casey Neistat Is a videographer in NYC. I started watching his youtube channel this week. Apparently he has decided that it would be good to V_Log every day. I can’t imagine the amount of work he puts into each of his daily videos. They are so well produced, and often quite interesting. Sure there is a goal of promoting his product Beme, but mostly he just shares his life....

October 31, 2015 · zacharyzacharyccom


My company is awesome. Check it out: Beyond the product we build our company is based on four company values: People Moments Ideas Results Each of these values is important to the company and also personally to me. I wonder if this is why I’m so happy working with my team. In relation to my own professional development I had a conversation with one of the company’s founders recently and he told me a story about why moments was such an important value to him....

October 1, 2015 · zacharyzacharyccom

Villanova, Me, and Tech

Not sure about how many of my fellow Villanova Alumni are working as a software or hardware engineer in Silicon Valley. I know a few. One of my friends, Arts & Sciences 2005 is out here working on his own start up. Another ECE department grad is working for another software/hardware deal on security in SF. Not to mention John Hennessy, president at Stanford University. In the mail today was another request to donate to the Alumni Fund and send in a note about where we are and what we are doing....

August 6, 2014 · zacharyzacharyccom

I Work For Flywheel

Over a year ago I switched roles in the software engineering field. I started working as an iOS developer for a company called Flywheel. We are a start up in the transportation industry. Our goal is to provide safe, reasonably priced rides from professional drivers with the entire hailing and paying process handled from your personal mobile device. The goal is to make the experience as seamless as possible for the end user....

December 2, 2013 · zacharyzacharyccom