This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
Matthew Perry has passed away, and many are sad. While there are many great pieces honoring Matthew Perry including: Daring Fireball Rolling Stone and many more, there is a side of Matthew Perry that reasonated with me that isn’t really talked about when mention his most iconic roles. While Friends was iconic, I’ll admit I missed the boat on it when it was out. I watched it casually, but did not really love it. ...
It’s taken me too long to get write this. I still don’t feel like I have enough information to write and I’m sure I might offend some in my posting. On October 7th, 2023, Hamas lead a suprise attack on Israel. They launched over 3000 rockets, they sent militants into Israel and committied attrocities. There were many types of violence. In the ensuing conflict, Israel has launched a counter offensive against Gaza and Hamas. ...
Many moons ago, I got my start in the world of software engineering playing with Ruby on Rails. With a close friend I had basically done the boilerplate for something like rails in PHP for a photography studio project we had done for our database class in college. We were the only students in the class to who were mac users at the time so we didn’t use Access like the rest of the class. We built our own thing and it was awesome. Then within a couple of months we stumbled upon Rails and the complexity of our project seemed crazy compared to how simple Rails was, even back then. ...
The book Naming Things is a book about one of the hardest problems in software engineering, the art of naming variables, classes, methods and functions. This book was recommended on another resource that I’m unable to remember. My general feeling is that this book would have been great earlier on in my software career. Many of the lessons covered are things that I have learned from other books or by making the mistakes myself. If you are thinking about getting into the field or just graduating college, picking up a copy of this book and reading it (which is quick, because it is less 100 pages), would definitely be worth it. If, on the other hand, you have read other coding practices books or spent years writing code, most of the concepts may seem overly obvious. ...
Malcolm Gladwell wrote the book on the 10,000 hour rule, Outliners. This book proposes that 10,000 of work at anything will lead to success at that. That the people who are real masters have spent this time. If you read more closely, there is more than just 10,000. It’s not that anyone who puts in 10,000 hours will be a success, it’s that talent alone is not enough. You need to put in the work as well. And that is the methology that has been ruling my life more recently. Doing a bunch of things a little bit each day will lead to getting better. Trying to put in at least a piece of code a day (including weekends), has been a goal of mine on my github graph. Not all of it is the same language and not all of it is substantial, but I’m trying to write something everyday. ...