This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
There are two farmers markets a week on the island. Both are called the Aquidneck Growers Market, and have roughly the same vendors. Many are local to Rhode Island and you can get all sorts of great stuff there. I’m the worst farmer’s market patron. I bring my over stimulated dog and pretty much only go to get a coffee and come home. My two favorite places are: Single Fin Coffee Co (only on Saturdays), and Navad Bakery. Both have finished products, so I don’t have to cook. ...
I’ve been writing iOS software since 2014 when I joined Cabulous (which later rebranded to Flywheel) as their first in house iOS developer. I took this job without really knowing what I was doing. I had done a little bit of work with Objective-C in college (mostly just reading the Hillegass book), but that was before iOS had been released and before people were writing apps. Much of my experience before that was in C, C++, and even JavaScript. ...
Just a little note. Went up to Thompson’s Point in Portland ME last night for a super great concert by my favorite band, Dispatch. Their set was great and they even mentioned that it might be the most jammy set they’ve ever played. I loved it. I don’t know how many times its been that I’ve seen Dispatch, but it’s been quite a few. They played The General, Bang Bang, and many of the old songs while still leaving out some of their biggests hits. I was a little sad not hear to Flying Horses, but honestly I love that they were playing stuff that wasn’t just hits. There were a couple of songs that I hadn’t heard before, one of them was a cover, the other was a Brad song. ...
I’ve been collecting notebooks for a long time now, and it’s a problem. The number of paper notebooks I am currently in the middle of filling is crazy. The number of unused notebooks is also disturbing. Doing a some looking around I’ve been able to find a lot of people out there with similar interests. Here’s the deal, notebooks allow some of us to try and take control of this otherwise out of control world. There is a lot going on around us, and cateloging and remembering it for later allows us to put it out of our brain. ...
If you read this on a feed reader app you might not notice the change, but I have switched from Wordpress to Hugo, after over 15 years. The oldest posts on this blog date back to 2006, and as far as I remember they were written with Wordpress. I’ve hosted many sites with Wordpress, so why the change? In the end, it came down to complexity and control. Over the years, Wordpress has grown from a simple PHP blogging platform to a very complicated Content management system. People and companies use Wordpress to host many different types of sites. There is a complex and sometimes expensive market for themes. There is a whole ecosystem that supports the development of Wordpress and Plugins for almost anything you might want to do with the software. ...