This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
My company did a new caricature of me for our logo wall and I’m a pretty big fan. I’ve had stickers made, and will continue to have fun things made with the new design. For inspiration I gave them: pink, sunglasses, acroyoga and unicorn. This is what I ended up with: Thanks Airkit.
The pilot episode of the West Wing is one of my favorite TV episodes of all time. I love the writing of the show, and I really resonate with some of the characters on the show. In the episode, Josh’s job is in jeopardy and he might get fired by the president. There is a ton more in the plot of the episode including one of my favorite lines of the entire show “… a sudden arboreal stop.” ...
I’m not a visual designer, but I do like pretty things. On the top of my mind recently has been the idea of my Purple Owl Theme. It comes from the “Night Owl” theme on MonoLisa’s website. Blue background with a big purple highlight. Light gray as a text color. I love the theme, and I’ve tried to make a version of it for Obsidian. In doing so, I realized that actually figuring out what colors goes where is confusing. Colors that make sense on the MonoLisa site don’t make sense in my Obsidian theme. There are also a bunch of additional color and syntax settings for something like my Obsidian notes that aren’t really matched to any of the theme values from the MonoLisa site. ...
I work for Airkit. I’m technically a Solutions Engineer but have done a bunch of building and education for the product as well. While the company has a bunch of documentation about how to use each tool, I figured I’d write quickly about how I build an Airkit App, what some of my practices are, and generally how I go about things. Start with the UI My first big tip is to start by creating the UI. One of the greatest things about Airkit is its ability to rapidly prototype interaction with your end users. Create the app quickly and show it to users. Often there are use cases that are missed when initially thinking about a project and this rapid prototyping brings them out. ...
This is a down week. Some of the reasons I can’t fully share, some of them I can. My 99 1/2 year old neighbor passed on July 4th. He had been in the house the entire time my family had been in the area and he was always super nice and cool to me. He was super sharp until the end and was still working as an attorney. There is no service for him. He outlasted his family and pets, so doesn’t have a huge amount of community, but he was an awesome man. ...