This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
Each year, at the beginning of the new year, I take stock of what happened last year and think forward about what I hope to accomplish this year. Usually this culminates with some sort of resolution to attack more of something. This year is about less. I do too much, I stress too much and I work myself in too many different directions. This makes it hard for me to fully realize success in any one direction. That’s why the next year’s goal: determine what is important and more forward with less, will be a real challenge for me. ...
I’ve come to the conclusion that my brain has started to work differently in recent years. I have grown, and my writing on this blog has evolved. It used to be that most of the content was uniquely interesting tech pieces. Notions in C and C++ and ruby and tons of other things technical. Over time I’ve developed a more personal feeling to the blog and there has been much less tech. What has been tech-related is largely code-independent. ...
Over a year ago, I met a woman who is now my girlfriend. Along with that relationship came the relationship with her feline companion. This was not the first cat to enter my life, but there was a special feeling around this cat from the beginning. I am plenty fine taking my time for a pet or child to warm up to me, however this cat demanded attention in a way no previous cat encounter had occurred. ...
Just returned from a quick trip to Stowe, VT to visit a friend up there. It’s probably been about 5 or so years since I’ve really been up to the state, but I used to spend a bunch of time up there as a kid. My parents would drive us up to ski in Killington, VT. Before the journey, I couldn’t be sure if I’ve ever visited Stowe. Long story short, as I did the drive up, there were landmarks that I remembered, like the Ben and Jerry’s building. So, I’ve been there before, but probably not when I have been able to drive. ...
When I moved to Newport, I left a teaching process in California where was teaching about three to five Acroyoga classes a week. Covid was growing more dangerous and the idea of being close to other humans in the Acroyoga context didn’t seem like the best idea. As weather got better last year, I started outdoor jams, they were at pretty terrible times (9 am on a Thursday), but at least they were happening. These events had a mixed success. There were larger gatherings of up to seven people, but for the most part they were small groups of two or three. ...