This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
I was listening to a radio ad the other week about quitting smoking. It was very compelling. The ad said that all people who quit smoking are people who have tried to quit before, failed, and kept trying until they didn’t fail. They learned each time what didn’t work, until they found what did. I’m not quitting. I’m starting. I love beginnings. I love the beginnings of each day, I’m a morning person. ...
Problem Statement I was planning a trip to Germany and Italy in the summer. I had a bunch of expensive and heavy camera gear that I wanted to bring to take pictures, but the thought of carrying it all around with me sounded crazy. I was going for a wedding so I needed normal focal length. I was also going to travel and wanted a little bit of reach and maybe some ultra wide stuff. ...
This post was pulled from my TLog project, but it felt relevant enough to make it to this blog as well. Some interesting stuff about reading and writing code. I’m trying the Nitro Cold Brew coffee from Stumptown that they just started carrying at Planet Granite. It is tasty, but I like the regular cold brew better and will be sticking to that in the future. Still, I do love coffee. ...
T_Logging It Casey Neistat Is a videographer in NYC. I started watching his youtube channel this week. Apparently he has decided that it would be good to V_Log every day. I can’t imagine the amount of work he puts into each of his daily videos. They are so well produced, and often quite interesting. Sure there is a goal of promoting his product Beme, but mostly he just shares his life. ...
I’ve switched to using Safari as my primary browser. It works pretty well because I use it on all my devices so passwords and bookmarks are available on all devices. The one downside, the developer community isn’t as big. We use Github at work for all of our repositories. Github code diffs are constrained by the width of their center column. On larger diffs this can make it hard to see all of the code without tons of scrolling. There is a chrome extension for this task, but there hasn’t been a safari extension for this same task, so I decided to write one. ...