This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
I’ve been talking about this for a while with a close circle of friends. I’d like to start a trend of donating $5 a month to different charitable causes. The goal being if I can get enough people behind the idea, we could make some significant impact to the charitable space. Each month, I’m going to come up with a new charity, and provide instructions for donating to them. I’ll try not to hit the same charity too often, but there are a couple of causes I feel particularly passionate about. ...
I saw this on Devour, this video embodies why I train for sports: The video and the music are compelling, so watch the video, but here are the words: There are no grand celebrations here. No speeches, no bright lights, but there are great athletes. Somehow we’ve come to believe that greatness is reserved for the chosen few, for the superstars. The truth is, greatness is for all of us. This is not about lowering expectations, it’s about raising them for every last one of us. Because greatness is not in one special place, and it is not in one special person. Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it. ...
A couple weeks ago my brother approached me to help him with building a website for Westport Rotary’s Lobster Fest. I obliged and helped build the site at: The Rotary’s Website. I started off by sketching a lobster in Paper: Then I started thinking, my goals in creating the site were: Provide more style than the standard rotary site Keep Westport Rotary looking professional, while still allowing the Lobster Fest to be fun Make the site clean and readable Use their Point of Sale (POS) system from In case they take it down, you can see it on my projects. For a look at where it started you can see the old page here. ...
I saw this video on napping: It occurs to me that there a several people I’d like to share this with, but my concern is some of these people won’t take the time to watch the video. To solve this problem I’m going to articulate the main points of it. Feel free to watch it, they probably say it better than I, but mine is written and theirs is in video form. Naps Are Good for you This isn’t entirely the case, but basically, taking a nap is quenching your body’s thirst. Especially right after lunch. ...
This is a rough cost breakdown of my dinner last night: Item Relative Cost Greek Yogurt $0.89 Chicken $2.80 Green Pepper $0.50 Zucchini $0.35 Onion $0.75 Ginger $0.10 Lemons $0.50 Total: $5.89 There are several items not included here. For this to be a full cost breakdown I’d need to compute the cost of spices I used: Herbes De Provence and Cheyenne Pepper; and the cost of the rice that I used to, but already head. The total meal actually cost me nearly double that, but I only ate half, so I have some left over for tomorrow. ...