This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
If you’re not familiar with WebDriver, perhaps you should be (if you’re a programmer). It’s a tool used for performing user tests on websites. I’ve been working on a project for testing some websites with Chromedriver, the chrome implementation of WebDriver. Once you have the driver up and running you need a way to send it commands to get it to do user actions. Chromedriver responds to simple REST requests, which, of course can be issued through JavaScript. This leads to WebDriverJS, a simple implementation of the REST protocol for WebDriver. You can use it server side, with something like node. Or you can use it client side, within the browser. ...
Today is a happy Panda day. Here’s a simple drawing I made of a panda, made in sketch: Here is the Panda: and here is the sketch file used to make it: Panda.sketch
On an excursion to Death Valley a couple months ago, we decided to get up to take sunrise pictures at Zabriskie Point. This was my shot from that day. The weird looking rock formation the right we named “Zack’s Rock” because I took off to climb it after we were done taking pictures. I did not make it all the way out.