This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
This is the website of zachary cohen (zacharyc). For information on the author check out the About page.
Recently, the owner of Sticker Mule used his email subscriber list to send a note about his support of Donald J. Trump. In the note, he said people at his company supported Trump and others supported Biden. They were having a sale, and you could use the money to make a T-shirt with whomever you supported, and that is better than violence. His message attempted to be bipartisan, but his preference for Trump was clearly expressed. ...
I’m in my forties. For various reasons, it has taken me a long time to finally figure out what success looks like for me in a day. Despite much introspection, every attempt I have made to reduce the goals of a day down the perfect match, I have failed. Perhaps it is the rigidity that each day should have the same ingredients to be perfect. While there has been research on ADHD and routines, I haven’t read one particular scientific piece that has stuck out to me. I respond well to routines and daily goals. Also, I have only self-diagnosed myself as ADHD, but most of my friends seem to say “that fits” when talking about it. I’m also convinced that my mom has it and that I got it from her. ...
I’ve written about it before, but I want to Write a book. I’ve wanted to for as long as I can remember. As someone who had such a challenge reading, creating something that someone else would read is an epic dream of mine. Last year the Wildsam Guide to Newport came out and I was immediately dissapointed. I remember reading through it and being like, “how can someone read this and appreciate the town of Newport?” It’s reviews seemed to be written by tourists who had some and spent some time, but never really invested in understanding what makes Newport so special. The history sections read like book reports. None of it connected. ...
Following up on my post yesterday, here is a brief audit of the digital tools I use daily. This list changes as time passes, so this is what I’m using this month. Maybe I’ll update next month with a different set of tools. Obsidian is my text organizer. I use it for everything from to-do lists to notes and thoughts, and even this blog post starts here. I can go on for days about why I prefer Obsidian, but that is better served by a later post. Visual Studio Code - I want to say this is a text editor, but it is closer to an IDE. I have many things set up to work in VS Code to help me through my day. As I’m mostly writing Clojure, Calva is a constant companion in VS Code. I use three browsers: Safari for personal stuff, Chrome for work and inspecting web pages, and Arc to play with and learn about. Safari and Chrome are used all day, every day. Warp - Terminal program built in Rust. I switched to this from iTerm2 in the past year. I’m not using one-tenth of the features offered, but it still feels like an upgrade from iTerm2. Github - I use Git for my version control and store all of my code on Github. Adobe Illustrator - used for all of my design work. Occasionally, I use Photoshop, but most of my work is in vectors, so I spend more time in Illustrator. Size Up - I’m a little embarrassed that I’m still using this software, but I love it and am used to it. Its keyboard-centric window manager lets me move windows around the screen with just my keyboard. This is a subset of the programs I have on my computer, but these are the ones I use almost every day across all my machines. These are the tools that I hope to master. ...
The book The Pragmatic Programmer was an introduction to life as a programmer. As I’ve gone through my career, there are still lessons in this book that go back to. Specifically, the section on Power Editing (Chapter 3, item 16) says: We’ve talked before about tools being an extension of your hand. Well, this applies to editors more than any other software tool. You need to be able to manipulate text as effortlessly as possible, because text is the basic raw material of programming. ...