In one of my many office pranks, I’ve created a new website. A coworker of mine just crossed his three year mark at the company. At SalesforceIQ we value our people and we celebrate milestones. Three years is a big a deal, so much so that my coworker made me this wonderful website: Well, my fiend Fabian just crossed his three year mark and wanting to make sure his anniversary experience was as pleasent as mine, I decided to create a website for him.

I went through several iterations of domains before I settled on the site that I chose:

I used a responsive template and used some crazy images and stories I have collected over the 3 years I’ve worked the Fabian.

Aside form the site, I’d just like to say that I really appreciate how our company really promotes these anniversaries. They celebrate the fact that the company is made up of a bunch of individuals working together to make something happen.