The Word "But"

When I was a freshman in college, my life was cheer. I did cheer breakfast lunch and dinner and loved it. I was committed to a level that generally exceeded most interests on the team. Not saying the team wasn’t committed, I just took it too far. I was often very convinced of my own correctness. I would have conversations about issues with stunts and always have something to add. I’m not saying I wouldn’t listen to other people’s perspectives, but I always had to add my own two cents: ...

February 15, 2023 · zacharyc

UCA College Nationals 2023

I can’t tell you how many years I go to decode the winners of a cheer competition and I can’t find it anywhere. This is not the end all of the results and I’m still looking for the right place to store it, but I also want to start collecting information on cheer teams. Which team finished second place in Small Coed D1 in 2004? How do you find it? History is important, and with all the information we have, I’m surprised we don’t have a better database of this stuff. ...

February 1, 2023 · zacharyc

Documentation Formats

Life is full of things to catalog, especially for someone like me. Someone who loves organization in data and looking for patterns. Someone who is convinced that the random things in my life will probably come together someday like the unification theory. But how? How does one sort, contain, and search data? The first step is recording the data. There are many ways to do this. Databases have traditionally been a great way. NoSQL databases with their loose document format are interesting. The second brain methodology uses documents or notes to contain the same thing. And while these documents can be formatted in things like Markdown and have front matter for categorization, much of the data is contained in the raw text which means a human has to parse and read it. ...

January 30, 2023 · zacharyc

Traveling in a Van With a Dog

Coco and I are on this epic van journey that I do about once a year. Currently we are in California, but we are about to head back to the east coast shortly. There is a lot of stuff on the #VanLife movement these days, but not a ton on dogs. Disclaimer: my dog is amazing. She will jump up and kiss you, and jump all over you, but she is relatively regular when it comes to going to the restroom, is vocal she needs to be and holds her business like no one else. ...

January 10, 2023 · zacharyc

2022 Into 2023

There are very few consistencies on this website. Pretty much the only one is the year review and accountability for the following. This is that post. Review of 2022 and Goals Going through the goals from 2022. Rent The House I’m giving myself a check on this. The original goal was to try and rent the home for the summer and live with my parents or in the van or somewhere else over the summer. The problem came in with the dog. While I can easily find a place to stay, it’s not always as easy to find a place to stay with Coco. I originally wanted to go the West Coast for the summer, but decided against that. With all those factors, I decided to find roommates instead of renting the whole house. ...

January 2, 2023 · zacharyc