Newport Boats

Writing a Book - Again

I’ve written about it before, but I want to Write a book. I’ve wanted to for as long as I can remember. As someone who had such a challenge reading, creating something that someone else would read is an epic dream of mine. Last year the Wildsam Guide to Newport came out and I was immediately dissapointed. I remember reading through it and being like, “how can someone read this and appreciate the town of Newport?...

July 19, 2024 · zacharyc

Current Tools - Digital

Following up on my post yesterday, here is a brief audit of the digital tools I use daily. This list changes as time passes, so this is what I’m using this month. Maybe I’ll update next month with a different set of tools. Obsidian is my text organizer. I use it for everything from to-do lists to notes and thoughts, and even this blog post starts here. I can go on for days about why I prefer Obsidian, but that is better served by a later post....

June 7, 2024 · zacharyc

Learn Your Tools

The book The Pragmatic Programmer was an introduction to life as a programmer. As I’ve gone through my career, there are still lessons in this book that go back to. Specifically, the section on Power Editing (Chapter 3, item 16) says: We’ve talked before about tools being an extension of your hand. Well, this applies to editors more than any other software tool. You need to be able to manipulate text as effortlessly as possible, because text is the basic raw material of programming....

June 6, 2024 · zacharyc


Diagnosed with a reading and writing disability, I was late to start reading chapter books. That didn’t mean I wasn’t interested in stories. I’ve been a reader throughout my life. Of the kids in my family, I always had a book around. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to accept my reading limitation and find ways around it. Audiobooks have been a lifesaver. I voraciously consume audiobooks. I’m unsure how many years I’ve had an audible account, but I have over 300 titles in my library....

May 31, 2024 · zacharyc

Coffee Processes

I only started to drink coffee around 28 years old. This is a late start to the coffee game. My father doesn’t drink it, so that may be why I got the late start. My path through coffee started with Peet’s Iced Mochas. I would get one most afternoons and became slowly addicted. Over time, I began to appreciate the taste of coffee better. At the time, I was in California, surrounded by some serious coffee roasters and shops....

May 30, 2024 · zacharyc