News Years Resolutions: Better Late Than Never

I’ve sort of already written my New Years resolution page and hinted that this years theme was less. Well, that is an over simplification. There are many more goals for me than that this year: Rent house for the summer Learn to cook more and eat healthier Do 1,000 miles on foot Dance lessons Get better at cleanliness Learn to share attention with others more Write Acroyoga Field Guide Consolidate (website, notebook collection, clean up office) Let’s go through each of them. ...

February 9, 2022 · zacharyc

Van Life Week 1

Part of my journey right now is living in this Van. I’ve had the van for a number of years and spent up to about 18 days in the van before, but this feels like a different test. I will be living in the van with a dog for several months. In the past I have pushed around pieces and found ways to sort of live by myself in the van. The day consists of moving items around each time I want to do something new. The goal now is different. ...

January 5, 2022 · zacharyc

Year in Review 2021

Each year, at the beginning of the new year, I take stock of what happened last year and think forward about what I hope to accomplish this year. Usually this culminates with some sort of resolution to attack more of something. This year is about less. I do too much, I stress too much and I work myself in too many different directions. This makes it hard for me to fully realize success in any one direction. That’s why the next year’s goal: determine what is important and more forward with less, will be a real challenge for me. ...

January 4, 2022 · zacharyc

Learning and Thinking

I’ve come to the conclusion that my brain has started to work differently in recent years. I have grown, and my writing on this blog has evolved. It used to be that most of the content was uniquely interesting tech pieces. Notions in C and C++ and ruby and tons of other things technical. Over time I’ve developed a more personal feeling to the blog and there has been much less tech. What has been tech-related is largely code-independent. ...

December 1, 2021 · zacharyc

Eilonwy in Memory

Over a year ago, I met a woman who is now my girlfriend. Along with that relationship came the relationship with her feline companion. This was not the first cat to enter my life, but there was a special feeling around this cat from the beginning. I am plenty fine taking my time for a pet or child to warm up to me, however this cat demanded attention in a way no previous cat encounter had occurred. ...

November 17, 2021 · zacharyc