What? What? What do you want now? Your have such high demands on me. All I want to do is sit here and be calm. To enjoy my day leisurely with the luxury that is deserved to me. So what? What can I do for you before I go back to my cat nap.
What? What? What do you want now? Your have such high demands on me. All I want to do is sit here and be calm. To enjoy my day leisurely with the luxury that is deserved to me. So what? What can I do for you before I go back to my cat nap.
Momma, I love you. And not just a little bit. Like all the treats that you’ve fed to me love Momma, I know you know how much I love you Even when I’m barking up a storm during your yoga class It’s because I love you. I want the world to know my love Every time I shout from my tiny little (dare I say cute) dog lungs, It’s a cry of support and love for you. I cherish you, as I know you cherish me. It is surprising when you leave me behind to spend time elsewhere But it only heightens my energy to share my love for you when I get reunited. And momma, I love you like I love shoelaces. Both you and shoe laces are delicious. If you made me pick between the two, I would pick you, but it would be tough. Shoelaces are awesome. I love our walks, and especially the part where you try to get me move and we play our fun little game we play where I lie down in the shade. I know that secretly you are happy for the break, I can see this in all the barking you do at me in those moments. That’s when I know we are connected. We are the same, you and I, momma. See me here, in this moment, practicing on my belly like you do. I even have my tongue stuck out like you. Okay, momma, now that I have told you about my love, I will bark, and you will give me a treat! ...
Oh, pardon me while ai snuggle I don’t want to start a tuggle, But this blanket is now mine Move and I’ll make you whine. This is my place Watch your face I need some peace To rest on this fleece I’ve had a long day I’m far too tired to play So let me be And you will see Tomorrow I will be more fun We will go out and frolic in the sun. ...
This is a the first in a new series of pet poetry, written in the voice of the pet in the picture. This was inspired by the book I Could Pee On This which I highly recommend for the humor value. I see you there. I’m sitting here In my metal throne with arm rest I suspect you are up to no good I will find out what you are keeping from me And when I know I will administer the required sentence For I am the queen of this space I allow you to inhabit with me Do not test me… ...
I’ve always got a bunch of projects going on. Some of them are big and overarching and some of them are small and simple. Some of them are related to work and some of them personal. What if at the beginning of the month I talked about the projects I was currently working on and which ones I finished last month, would I get more done? Would I have a more concrete record of my goals, achievements and failures? I have a LOT of failures. ...