Planet Granite Comment Cards

I’ve been meaning to find a way to share these for quite a while. There was a point in the not too distant past when I thoroughly enjoyed leaving comment cards at the Planet Granite. I would attempt to leave a couple a week. here is a collection of some of the comment cards I’ve left. Please beware, some of them have foul language. Also, please note that throughout the entire time I was leaving these cards I had a relationship with the management at Planet Granite and it was very clear that I was leaving most of these comments with nothing but humor in mind. The people who read them are working really hard and have to deal with very tough customers day in and day out and this was an attempt to leave some humor for them throughout the week. ...

September 22, 2020 · zacharyc


Recently United States launches its first astronauts into space since the end of the space shuttle program in 2011. SpaceX and NASA just launched at 3:30 pm eastern on Saturday May 30, 2020. DTBG is an abbreviation for Dare To Be Great. I was first introduced to the acronym when I joined RelateIQ in 2014. It was our official company motto. We had signs up in the office to remind us to D.T.B.G. and the number of times I’ve uttered either the phrase or acronym is probably incalculable. ...

June 8, 2020 · zacharyc

Linda Motorkid

I lost a friend last week. She was amazing and I want everyone to know about Linda. I met Linda six years ago in the Planet Granite Masters Class. She always climbed levels above me, but was never too busy to encourage me as I worked on my projects. She was a magnificent climber. Linda shaped my life with our friendship. One such example was the following exchange (to the best of my memory): ...

May 28, 2020 · zacharyc


My life has been shaped by this microscopic little virus called Novel Coronoavirus. It’s a small little virus that is changing our world. It is changing the way we see each other and treat each other. It is effecting our relationships in so many different ways, and it is also negatively effecting our economy. I am worried on so many levels. I’m worried about what this means to our human relationships. I’m worried about what this means to my career as an acroyoga instructor. I’m worried about how this is affecting my roommate dynamics. ...

April 2, 2020 · zacharyc

Villanova Fight Song

The other day I stumbled across this awesome project by FiveThirtyEight: Our Guide To The Exuberant Nonsense Of College Fight Songs | FiveThirtyEight while googling for fight songs. I was a cheerleader in college and still have my fight song memorized. I went the Villanova, and our Fight Song was called “V for Villanova”. The words were as follows: “V” for Villanova, “V” for Victory “B” for Blue and “W” for White ...

January 23, 2020 · zacharyc