
I’ve spent the summer pretty close to my family. This is pretty unusual for me because most of the time I’m 3000 miles away from my family on the other coast for work. One of the benefits of hanging with my family is sometimes my father talks me into going to Synagogue with him. It’s the oldest synagogue building in the use, Torro, and the entire service is in Hebrew. I don’t speak Hebrew and what little I learned as a kid has left me. So I read the English translations in the book and think about what they are talking about. ...

August 6, 2018 · zacharyc

The Internal Family Systems

Have you ever had the thought: “part of me feels …” ? Turns out there is whole part of modern psychology focused on understanding humans a collection of parts. It’s called IFS, short for Internal Family Systems, and was first described by Richard Schwartz in the early 1990s. The general idea being that our internal mind can be represented a bunch of different personalities inside our head, each trying to protect or do some job for us as humans. At the core, there is a concept of Self, or the governing body of your person. When one is in control of the self one can understand what each of the parts wants and make informed decisions about actions. ...

July 30, 2018 · zacharyc

Deceptively fast for … Self Deprecating Humor

Self deprecating humor is a double edged sword. On one side, being able to laugh at yourself is somewhat healthy. We are comical animals who make all sorts of weird sounds and have crazy individual tendencies, if you think you don’t, you are either lying to yourself or crazy (see Merlin Mann’s tweet on priorities) On the other hand, we sometimes use this humor to cover up areas of insecurity. Using self deprecating humor this way can re-enforce the belief that we are broken or defective. This isn’t healthy. ...

July 21, 2018 · zacharyc

New Home

It’s taken me a fair amount of time to do this transition. I’ve been switching from LunarPages to DreamHost for a while now. LunarPages just stopped being up to date with all the technologies I needed in order to host all the projects I wanted, but I was (sort of still am) worried about moving from host to another. My primary email is associated with this domain ( Also, I had a lot of secret hidden files and tools placed around the old website that I had been collecting pretty much since college (when I first started using lunar pages). Yes, that was over 13 years ago. ...

July 14, 2018 · zacharyc

Rom Coms

February is the month of Valentines Day. If there was a RomCom (Romantic Comedy) month, February would be it. To that end I spent some time thinking about my favorite RomComs. Below is a list of my favorite RomComs. I was trying to put them in order, but they each have a special meaning to me. If there is one you feel is missing leave it in the comments. Roxanne 10 Things I Hate About You 27 Dresses Wedding Date Along Came Polly Love Actually Wedding Crashers Failure to Launch How to Lose a Guy in 10 days Serendipity Definitely, Maybe Grosse Point Blank The Princess Bride For more information on RomComs feel free to check out this great episode of This American Life: Rom-Com. ...

February 22, 2018 · zacharyzacharyccom