
I saw this video on napping: It occurs to me that there a several people I’d like to share this with, but my concern is some of these people won’t take the time to watch the video. To solve this problem I’m going to articulate the main points of it. Feel free to watch it, they probably say it better than I, but mine is written and theirs is in video form. Naps Are Good for you This isn’t entirely the case, but basically, taking a nap is quenching your body’s thirst. Especially right after lunch. ...

July 25, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

Cost of Dinner Last Night

This is a rough cost breakdown of my dinner last night: Item Relative Cost Greek Yogurt $0.89 Chicken $2.80 Green Pepper $0.50 Zucchini $0.35 Onion $0.75 Ginger $0.10 Lemons $0.50 Total: $5.89 There are several items not included here. For this to be a full cost breakdown I’d need to compute the cost of spices I used: Herbes De Provence and Cheyenne Pepper; and the cost of the rice that I used to, but already head. The total meal actually cost me nearly double that, but I only ate half, so I have some left over for tomorrow. ...

July 19, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

Higgs Boson Explained

July 12, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

WebDriverJs and Chromedriver

If you’re not familiar with WebDriver, perhaps you should be (if you’re a programmer). It’s a tool used for performing user tests on websites. I’ve been working on a project for testing some websites with Chromedriver, the chrome implementation of WebDriver. Once you have the driver up and running you need a way to send it commands to get it to do user actions. Chromedriver responds to simple REST requests, which, of course can be issued through JavaScript. This leads to WebDriverJS, a simple implementation of the REST protocol for WebDriver. You can use it server side, with something like node. Or you can use it client side, within the browser. ...

June 25, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

Stone Pile

June 18, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom