Mock Logo

This deserves a little bit of explanation. I found out that one of my friends started working for Duarte. I fell in love with their logo: One of the creative projects I have coming up is designing a new favicon for this site. This seems like as good a start as any. I have a couple of ideas going forward, but this sketch was the start. It was made with Paper for the iPad. ...

April 26, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

The Make Something Manifesto

Four months into my new years resolution and I’d grade myself at a C- for my creativity. I have started doing a lot of new things. I’ve moved to a new home. Cleaned it more. Started working on my cooking. Traveled to South America. Taken a few more pictures (bought a new camera). The problem is that I’m not sharing any of this creativity, and I’m not held to any deadlines. I’ll have days of creative juices flowing and days where I’m as boring as a broomstick. ...

April 24, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

New Years 2012

Each year I try to come up with a new years resolution, and then try to stick to it. I’ve had some interesting ones in the past few years. Last years was to go to gym 350 days of the year. Sadly, that did not happen. The year before I believe my goal was to read more, and the year before that it was to do more (Do More). Some people scoff at the idea of a New Year’s resolution. Personally, I relish the challenge. I accept the fact that it probably won’t work out completely, so I tend to like resolutions that are scale based instead of directly quantifiable. For example, if my goal was read more and last year I read 5 books, and this year I read 6 I achieved my goal. If my goal was to read 20 books, that is a little harder. By picking something to generally focus on, I tend to increase my chances of success. ...

February 1, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

GoodBye GoDaddy

After the whole SOPA debacle, I decided I was done with GoDaddy. Their site has always been crap. It’s hard to use and figuring stuff out sometimes takes a call to their tech support. On top of that, they had been starting to raise their prices. They used to be one of the cheapest registrars on the internet, now they were charging significantly more than other registrars. I have been using Dynadot for a bit as they were about a dollar cheaper than GoDaddy and The Brooks Review recommended them. ...

January 4, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

iPhone 4S Setup, a post Steve Apple

I’m sad to say that the whole process of upgrading to an iPhone 4S (or 4 Steve as some crazy analysts have been calling it), has been more difficult than I would have expected. I’ll admit that I didn’t take the most conventional route to set this phone up, but my experience has not been pleasant. I feel this is a bad sign for a post Steve Apple. Here’s my situation. I’ve been running an original Edge based iPhone 16 GB for the past 3+ years. I was waiting for the next new iPhone to come out so I could grab one. I was very excited for the announcement of the iPhone 4S, and unlike everyone in the media, I was not disappointed. I liked the design of the 4, and was happy that they were keeping it a little longer. I really have been wanting some more storage space. I like to have a lot of data on my phone, between my huge photo library and some videos to watch while commuting. So, all in all I was really excited about the new iPhone. ...

October 27, 2011 · zacharyzacharyccom