South Carolina from Jessica

My good friend Jessica went to South Carolina for vacation and was kind enough to mail me a post card:

April 20, 2011 · zacharyzacharyccom

From Kaminski in Argentina

April 20, 2011 · zacharyzacharyccom

From Nathan and Isabelle

Post card from france:

April 20, 2011 · zacharyzacharyccom

Donald Norman On Usability

Here is a great video (it is long, over an hour) of a talk Donald Norman gave in 2009. (sadly, flash required)

April 6, 2011 · zacharyzacharyccom


This site is undergoing some changes. Firstly, you may notice that I have changed the homepage to have a static home page. It allows me to introduce myself to people who may want to just find out who I am without forcing my current thoughts on them. Secondly, I’m working on consolidating my Categories and reducing them. There are way too many. I’m going to keep putting information in the tags, but categories will probably start to shrink to a more reasonable number. ...

March 30, 2011 · zacharyzacharyccom