Bad Dialog UI from E Text Editor

I started using the E Text Editor. Today I wanted to change the font to try something new. (I’m not a huge fan of Courier) Anyway, I get into the theme editing dialog (because that is where the font is stored, even though the font seems to be for all themes). It turns out that you can only get out of the theme editing dialog by clicking the close box at the top of the dialog, there is no “Ok” button. I’m smart enough to figure this out, but the interface is not intuitive. ...

September 27, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom

Post Cards Are Awesome!

I’ve long had a thing for paper. I always carry around a notebook and pen, just in case I want to write something down. One thing I’ve noticed about my notebooks is their wear pattern. The more you use a notebook the more the corners begin to dull, the more creases in the pages. This wear increases the attractiveness of the notebook. I feel that this translates to most paper products. Generally speaking, the more wear a piece of paper has the more treasured it is. For this reason post cards are valuable. Not just the image, but the process of being through the male provides the wear. What you receive on the other end is a valuable piece of paper with an image and a note from a friend. ...

September 10, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom

Dr. Oliver Ludwig

A week ago Sunday one of mentors passed away. Oliver Ludwig was my friend, teacher, mentor, brother, and advisor. He passed away after a three year long battle with cancer, and in true Doc fashion, kept it from most of us while he fought it. Only in his passing were we made aware of his condition. I met Dr. Ludwig in sophomore year at Villanova, I was in his chemistry class. He had a unique way of teaching the class. Most teachers make you memorize stupid minutia in order to pass their tests. Doc (as he was affectionately known) had a different belief. All his tests and quizzes were open note and open book. His approach was practical. He wanted his students to learn and I felt he was quite effective. Most of the chemistry he taught me was review from my AP class, but there were some things that left a lasting impression. ...

July 25, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom

Kathy Sierra At Business of Software 2009 This is a great presentation about how to get users excited about your product. I saw it on Ignore The Code and it really is worth the hour to watch.

July 1, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom

Minority Report UI From

June 14, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom