Open Team Expenses and Review
I thought it would be worthwhile to publish my expenses for my college team last year. This is useful for anyone who is interested in calculating whether or not you can afford to an open cheerleading team. I cheered for They were a good team and I will talk about my pros and cons a bit lower, but first lets look at the expenses. Expense Cost Tuition and Competition Fees, including uniform costs $1,209.81 Nationals Hotel Bill $104.00 Gas Costs to travel to practice. Assuming 3 practices a month (to account for holidays and weeks off), cost of 2.50/gallon, and 20 miles/gallon on the car $405.00 Gas for nationals, same figures as above, traveling distance about 404 miles $101.00 Gas for local competitions in Sacramento $80.25 Total $1,900.06 This is just the hard numbers and I’ve gone a little soft on the miles and gas price. The point, however, is still relatively strong: I spent nearly $2,000.00 no an open team last year. I had a good time, but that is really expensive, so I’ve decided not to cheer again next year while I try to get my finances in order. ...