Percentage of Mac Use by University of Virginia Students

Daring Fireball has a link to the a study of the computer statistics for the student body of the University of Virginia. You can find the article here. The most interesting chart for me is the last one about the number of Macintosh users versus Windows users. The table is interesting, but I would also like to see the percentage of user population, not just the hard numbers. So here is the same data put in percentage of user base using Mac OS and Windows. ...

June 10, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

Crazy Cheer Parents

I was reading this cheerleading blog today when I came up to a quote that I have to pass on. The article is part of One Two Down Up, a blog for a cheerleading coach who doesn’t make their identity easily known. (I could probably find it, but I’m too lazy) One of the articles is about Cheer Parents, The Ups and Downs of a Cheerleading Coach: Those Crazy CHEER PARENTS. ...

May 18, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

Bookmarks for April 23rd through April 24th

These are my links for April 23rd through April 24th: The Skeptical Hypochondriac :: Worrying About Health News Since 2009. – Category Inflation at the Webbys – – Remind me never to partake in this nonsense. NEW MATH by Craig Damrauer – Fluid Images — Unstoppable Robot Ninja – Our Favorite Typefaces of 2008 | Review Feature | Typographica –

April 24, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom


These are my links for April 22nd from 21:01 to 21:01: Deaths, injuries raise alarm at cheerleading’s dangers – The Boston Globe – This post talks about the importance of Cheerleading safety especially in the state of Mass. It is an interesting piece, but I feel that people who advocate safety for cheerleaders sometimes go to the extreme and over regulate the sport. My classic example is the double full, which used to be legal in college, but due to safety restrictions has now been made illegal. Many people were landing it fine, some weren’t. Better training would be a better solution than complete restriction.

April 22, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

Small World and My Random Cousin

Last night a friend invited me over to her place for a get together to celebrate the ending of passover and the ability to eat leaven bread. I, being only quasi Jewish, have been eating leaven bread for the entire passover period, but my religion is a story for another day. I end up in this room, and she has a bunch of friends over, and we get to talking and somehow it comes up that my father was the president of J.Crew for a couple of years in the 90s, and she sparks up, stares at me and says “We must be cousins!”. Honestly, I was a little put off at first. I don’t know how to act. I’m not particularly close to my family, which is something I wish I could change, but finding random family across the country is weird, to say the least. ...

April 17, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom