Modified JustSimple WordPress Theme

I’m not much of a PHP guy, but I chose WordPress for this blog because I feel it is the most stable, well refined, yet easy to use blogging tool out there. Once the platform was decided I started looking for themes that worked well. I finally found something that I really liked when I stumbled on Ciaran Walsh’s blog. The theme is called JustSimple. It’s a great theme, and I enjoy it on my site, but there areas where it has come up short. Mostly in styles for certain elements. I started a simple github project for my changes to JustSimple Project. One such change I’ve made is to add support for Definition Lists. Terms are bold and definitions are padded left. ...

March 20, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

C++ Coding Standard: The If Block

Almost two months ago I went to a CocoaHeads meeting during Macworld. They had Mike Lee talk. His presentation was about “Pimping Your App”. There were a bunch of interesting points, but one thing really stuck in my head. Mike was talking about how is a messy person in his life. His car is messy. His room is messy. His desk is messy. Everything is messy, except his code. HIs code is crystal clean, squeaky even. As a programmer you need to make sure your code is consistent and clean. Ever since I have been thinking about standardizing the way I write code. This is the first post in hopefully a stream of posts about quality code. ...

March 10, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

My First Vimeo Video

Today I made my first post to Vimeo. I found this old video of my gymnastics. It’s old, not completed, but was fun to find and fun to post. Enjoy Partial Sampler 2006 from Zachary Cohen on Vimeo.

March 6, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

Apple's iLife is TOO Good

In an amazing post on Daring Fireball John Gruber quotes the technology directory for a public school in Massachusetts: However, even iLife has its drawbacks in an educational setting. It simply hands so much to the students that they struggle with software (whether Windows, Linux, or even pro-level software on the Mac) that isn’t so brilliantly plug and play. Yes, iLife rocks in many ways, but the level of spoonfeeding it encourages actually makes me think twice about using it widely, especially at the high school level. ...

March 3, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom

Merlin Mann on Creativity Patterns

A lot of my posts recently have just been posts about interesting things I have read on other people’s websites. This is another one of those posts. I’ve been catching up on recently and quite captured by Merlin Mann. Today I say his video on Creativity Patterns. This video changed my entire personal perspective, about myself and about my abilities at least for the day. He’s a great speaker and the concept is motivating. Check it out if you haven’t, and consider reading/watching more of Merlin if you have the time. ...

February 27, 2009 · zacharyzacharyccom