Love Rock on a rock.

Love In All Forms

There are many more technologically relevant things I should be writing about today, but forgive me. Today is February 14th, and as such is known as Valentine’s Day. While my truest Valentine is my dog, Coco, this day can be a day of sharing love with others. That is the way I celebrate. I’m telling everyone out there that I have an affinity for you. Even if we have quarreled and disagreed, you deserve love and affection....

February 14, 2024 · zacharyc
Coco and Link traveling around Vernon Park

Dogs of Newport

Not wanting another project, I created another one: Dogs Of Newport. One of my goals for this year is to start retaking photos. Not just take pictures but also make photos. Spend time trying to get something decent out of the box we call a camera. One of my favorite subjects is the dogs in the town. As a dog owner, a chunk of my daily is set aside to care for my four-legged best friend....

February 13, 2024 · zacharyc

Learning Clojure

I’m working with a friend on a top-secret project I hope to tell you more about soon. Still, because my friend likes functional programming, I’m dusting off some of the material I learned in college at Villanova and better understanding some concepts that escaped me back then. What is Clojure What is Clojure? Clojure is a Lisp-like, functional programming language that compiles jar files to run on the JVM. This means it will run anywhere you can run Java....

February 7, 2024 · zacharyc

Letting Go

Forgive the vagueness of this post, but this week has been a hard week where I’ve had to let go of a big commitment in my life. It’s personal. I’m devastated and hurting, but I know this was the path forward. Letting it go was hard for me, and it comes with many complex emotions, including fear of abandoning people who depend on me. I’m shirking some responsibility that I had previously assumed....

January 31, 2024 · zacharyc

Cedar Unit Testing

Almost 13 years ago, my life changed. I had recently left Motorola after Google acquired us and was looking for my next opportunity when I found a company called Cabulious, which was pretty quickly renamed to Flywheel. When I joined, they asked me if I’d be interested in working on the mobile team, specifically iOS, despite having minimal experience in Objective-C. When I joined the company, they sent me to New York to work with our Pivotal Labs Team (we could only get the team in NY, not the one in California, because they were too busy)....

January 24, 2024 · zacharyc