Photo of a network from Unsplash user Nastya Dulhiier.

Why PKMs?

Continuing with Personal Knowledge Management Systems (PKMS), we all have them, whether we realize it or not. Some are in our brains, and others are more explicit, created with external tools. We live in an age where large quantities of information bombard us. These include emails, phone calls, text messages, news, magazines, and letters. They come from many different avenues and pass through our consciousness. Because of our brains’ nature, retaining all the information we receive is impossible. We do our best to cull and surrender the information we process to keep what we need. ...

February 20, 2025 · zacharyc
Photo of a filing cabnet from Unsplash user Maksym Kaharlytskyi.

Personal Knowledge Management Systems (pkms)

As we narrowed our focus on Gluino, we came across another term for digital second brains. Some people call them Personal Knowledge Management Systems (PMKs). These systems are a way to collect and manage the information in one’s life for reference, research, and retrieval. When discussing Taigo Forte and Second Brains, you discuss organizing and building your PKM. There are a bunch of tools out there for doing this: Notion Obsidian Evernote BearApp To name a couple. Each of these tools has two primary components: ...

February 19, 2025 · zacharyc

Reasonable Uses of AI 1

I work for an AI startup, Gluino. We are literally building an AI system to help people do work. Still, I’m a bit of an old-fashioned human. I carry a pen and paper with me everywhere. One of the things I wrestle with is how to use AI responsibly and to the best of its ability to help me. In this series of posts, I want to discuss how I’ve used AI in the past, how it has helped me, and how it hasn’t. I will also mention some interesting uses of AI that I have seen or heard about, hoping to inspire responsible use of what we call AI. ...

September 18, 2024 · zacharyc